Namaste World. I am Diya.

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Five ways to make money online without spending a dime?

Many people are of the view that to make money online, you need a website. But as a matter of fact you don’t. For some businesses, it is very true; to make money, you have to spend money. However, in the World Wide Web, it is possible to make money without actually spending anything at all.
So here are some ways to make money without spending anything at all;

Make money on Fiverr

Fiverr is a website that allows you to offer your services, absolutely anything you like. There are people making money for simply singing happy birthday in a thong. There are people who dress up in banana costumes and shout your message and record a video and then send it back to you. Try it, if you have a fancy dress costume lying about; why not give it a shot. You never know what people are looking for. I make money on Fiverr for offering webmasters back links. I make about $100 – no sweat. But as a starter you can offer to write, shout messages, juggle, offer banner designs, offer to comment on websites; just have a look what others are doing and take inspiration from it. I am sure you can come out with some bright ideas.

Start a blog

 You heard, start a blog. Who says you need money to start a blog. blogs do rank very well provided that you have some quality content, you can rank in no time. So head over to and start a blog on something you are passionate about and start blogging. After some weeks of passionate blogging, apply for affiliate programmes such as Amazon, Chitika, Infolinks and monetize it. Trust me, free blogs do make money, ignore those who say no. One of my sites is a Blogger website and it makes me about $100 a month. All I have is some good content and some videos.

Become a freelancer

You can offer your services such as writing, coding, graphic design, accounting data entry, admin support to others. There are many sites where you can enroll and offer your services. Some of them include; Scriptlance,, and many more. There is a great demand for freelance article writers. If you can do this you can make a lot of money.

Post your affiliate links on social sites

Join affiliate programmes and post your affiliate links on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networking sites. Now some of these social sites are very clever, they might block your links but you can cloak it. There is a strong spam policy on most social sites; do not over do it or spam the place. Alternatively you can write an article on your free blog and apply some affiliate links and then post on your Facebook profile. I make around $50 using this method alone.

Write online

Join writing websites such as Hubpages, AssociatedContent, Infobarrel and a host of others. Just do a simple search for adsense sharing sites or article writing sites. There is a ton of places you can do this.

So there you have it, who says money can’t be made online without spending money. There are other ways to make money online without spending anything at all which I will be writing about later.

If you have any more ideas then feel free to comment.

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