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How To Define Your Blog’s Target Audience For Your Niche Blog


Finding a niche is probably the hardest thing to do specially if you know a lot of things but can’t figure out which is the best one to go for. Even harder is trying to figure out who the audience is going to be. You will need to divide the topic to very narrow areas within the niches. One of the most popular niches is “how to make money online by affiliate marketing”. This topic in itself is a very broad one. You will need to narrow it down to specific niches to eliminate and then to dominate. You will then need to think who you are going to target.

You can see that my target audience are those who want to work from home. However if you dig deep enough, it can be narrowed down to even further categories of people such as;

• People who want to work from home part time

• People who want to work anywhere using a computer

• People who want freedom to choose their own working hours

• People who hate their job and want to do something different

• People who lack advanced skills or degrees and need to learn a skill fast

• People who lost their jobs due to downsizing or outsourcing

• Baby boomers wanting to supplement their retirement income

• School or college children who wants to earn extra money

• Stay at home moms who don’t want to go back to work

You also might want to consider;

Where do they live?
How educated are they?
How old are they?
Are they male or female?
What does your audience do for a living?
Where do they live?
Who will buy my products or affiliate products?

Once you have identified your audience, there are various niche topics that can be developed merely by taking time to analyze why people might want to earn money from online marketing. Out of those topics, ideally you should select two that really interests you or represent areas where you have personal experience.

Take the first topic you chose then brainstorm several important questions that people might ask in searching for the topic. Next, start a niche search using the keywords you developed and see what you come up with.

Finally, look into ClickBank, Amazon, and on similar sites for affiliate products that you can use in developing the niche. Later on if you decide to write or create your own product such as an eBook, you can really dominate your area of expertise.

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