Namaste World. I am Diya.

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How To Murder Your Blog

If you are fed up with your blog and no longer want to live with it, there are certain ways you can kill it. Here are some tips if you really want to murder it.

Spam other sites..

You can spam other sites using the comment feature. You can write useless comments such as; “great site”, “nice post”, “thanks for sharing” etc. Pick a site and do this on every single post of the website. Sooner or later, the blog owner will be get fed up with you and filter you to the spam corner for good. Move on to the next site. Oh yes don’t forget to leave a derogatory remark; sexual or racist remarks will do the trick.

Use link farms..

Find as many link farms as possible and post your links to these sites. You don’t need to sign up, subscribe or confirm; just post your link. Do this several times on as many link farms as possible. Major search engines will find out soon enough and kill your blog. Job well done.

Copy content from others..

Why bother writing your own content, if you can do it for free; it only takes 2 minutes to copy & paste. So, go to your favourite website; copy the content and paste it on your blog. Don’t forget to send an email to the owner of the content asking them to visit your blog. They will perhaps report you for copyright infringement (it does happen).

Alternatively, you can spin someone else’s content. Grab a free content or article spinner, spin the content and paste the spun article on your blog. You will have a brand new sparking article on your site. Over time, it will surely raise some search engine eyebrows. Mind you, these search engines have very thick eyebrows. You blog will slide to 100th position in record time, thanks to the Penguin update.

Write about useless things..

Write about useless stuff that no one really cares such as ‘dodos’ and don’t invite anyone to your blog. You can also post some pictures not fit for normal people or family viewing, there are lots of scope for creativity.

Ask Google..

Ask Google to remove your content from their search engines or even ask them de-index your website.

Simply give up..

If you have more ideas on how to kill a blog real fast, then feel free to share a comment.

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