Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

Babies tossed from the roof in this bizarre Indian tradition

This is a ritual that would terrify most mothers. The worshippers at the shrine of Baba Sheikh Umar Saheb Dargah at the “Musti village” in the district of Solapur, in the state of Maharashtra, Western India have been carrying out this tradition to bring good luck and health to the child. If you want to see this ritual, you must visit Solapur, in the state of Maharashtra on the first of May. The tradition is also carried out in other parts of the state where the babies are tossed off the roof of temple roofs. The people of this village have been practising this for about 500 years. In Bijapur, 550 km  west of Bangalore, similar practice is carried out where children between 8 months to 5 year olds are thrown from temple tops.

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