Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

Try BigLife stores for your clothes shopping in India

If want to buy some Indian clothes then you might consider going to BigLife by Ritu Wears located in the cities of New Delhi, Faridabad (Haryana), Jalandhar (Punjab), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) and Indore (Madhya Pradesh). They are one of the biggest retailers in North and Central India.

BigLife Stores by Ritu Wears from outside
BigLife Stores by Ritu Wears from outside

BigLife by Ritu wears retails clothing for all ages including western wear and traditional Indian attire. Most of the stores in all locations are very identical. They all have 3 storeys where the basement level keeps women’s clothing such as saris and salwar kameez along with shoes while perfumes, purses and jewellery are kept on the first floor.

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Do you like these ear-rings I bought here

Here’s an example of the party wear salwar kameez available at the store I bought some time back. This suit has a decorative, net overlay with a two piece “suit and dupatta”. Cost was 5595 Indian Rupees (or $112 USD). Remember if you want adjustments, stitching is not available so you might have to that done separately so it’s best to try them out before buying.

Salwar Kameez
Salwar Kameez I bought at BigLife

In addition to clothing, BigLife also carries home decor items including linens, statues and figurines. Yoga mats are also available which I bought for myself.

Also bought a yoga mat
Also bought a yoga mat

In majority of these stores, the second floor is usually the men’s wear, including young boy’s clothes. The upper level is mainly the kids department where they have sizeable toys section with international and regional branded toys and a baby section. The baby section includes strollers, playpens and diapering needs in addition to common baby need items. Girl’s clothes are mostly located on the upper level.

Katrina Kaif Barbie
Katrina Kaif Barbie for my niece

The goods carried by BigLife are better quality than those available in the bazaars and those available at local stores. Store representatives are available throughout the store to assist with any of your shopping needs. Changing rooms are located on each side of the store in the clothing sections.

If you are looking for something specific such as accommodation or second hand goods like a car/bike for your trip in a particular city or an Indian state or if you are moving or travelling to India, you can always checkout useful sites such as the classifieds India.

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