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A place to eat in Amritsar - Shiraz's Orchid Restaurant

Last year I attending a relative’s wedding and I had the pleasure of visiting Shiraz’s Orchid Restaurant located at 4 Queens Road in Amritsar. At the time of the visit, I took some photos although I had no idea that I will be writing a blog post about it.

Anyway, I found the restaurant quite nice. The staff were attentive to the customers and accommodating of special requests. The seating area was generally quiet and typical of any mid-level restaurant in Amritsar. I found the seating area slightly open with little privacy. The eating area was generally clean, including the off-white chair seats and white table cloths. Unlike some other local restaurants, dirty tablecloths are sometimes left on the table for the next set of customers but at Shiraz’s I had no complaints. 

I loved the food. The menu included Indian, Japanese, Thai, Malaysian and Mexican food. But as with any Amritsari or in fact any restaurant in India, seasonal vegetables are subject to the Indian season and current crop availability.

Extra sauces - including American Tabasco
Extra sauces – including American Tabasco

I found Tabasco sauce along with other sauces on the table. Any American would get excited over seeing Tabasco sauce, even if they don’t eat it. This spicy, red pepper sauce comes from Louisiana that adds extra kick to any food. I absolutely love it. If you were inviting me for dinner, make sure you have some Tabasco sauce with you.

Though not your typical, authentic Mexican fajitas, this “quesadilla” style entrĂ©e” had the most amazing flavor. The cheese was stringy, just as you would expect from a quesadilla and the vegetables were fresh.

Chicken Fajitas
Chicken Fajitas

I then tried the “chicken enchiladas” covered in tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese. The meat was well-seasoned and overall the dish was quite appetizing. The dish as seen below was the only size the order came in but could have easily served 2-3 people depending on individual appetites.

Enchiladas (sorry for the shadow!)

Price: The average cost per person for a meal with drink (no appetizer) was around 300 INR ($6 US and Aus).

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