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I am now an ixigo expert

I am delighted to inform everyone that I am now part of the ixigo expert panel. Ixigo happens to be one of India’s largest and award winning travel search engines that was founded in 2006.

The panel of experts consist of travel enthusiasts who work towards simplifying the life of travellers and to make travelling in India a happy experience. Therefore the Ixigo experts advice and answer questions on a topic they feel most comfortable with.

My interests include my own state of Bihar, women’s issues and travel safety. This means that I answer questions relating to travelling to Bihar and questions related to women’s safety. Here’s my ixigo expert panel page.

They sent me a small pack of goodies as a gesture to appreciate my support to them. I decided to wear the T-shirt and cap they sent me and do some modelling.

ixigo expert panel
Ixigo expert panel – holding the Indian flag

I have no idea what I was trying to do here – wrong pose!

On the beach
This one’s a lot better!

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