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Interview with travelers Samantha and Yeison of mytanfeet

I would like to introduce Samantha and Yeison of I have been following their blog and have been impressed by the interesting stories of their travels. Here’s their interview.

Who are you?

We are Samantha and Yeison, a couple living in the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica. We were long distance for 2 years and then Samantha moved to Costa Rica last year and travel has always been a theme for our relationship.

Samantha and Yeison of MyTanFeet
Samantha and Yeison of MyTanFeet

Where are you from and tell us a little about your country?

Samantha is of Taiwanese descent and was born in the United States and Yeison is half Korean and half Costa Rican and was born in Costa Rica. Samantha grew up in Washington state and Yeison grew up in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, a small country in Central America.

Why do you travel?

We travel because we love it. Simple as that. We love learning new things, especially new cultures, new food and different ways of living. We believe that to live and to enjoy life, we must go out and experience as many things as possible. The world has so much to give and we want to learn as much as we can of life outside our doorstep.

Which countries have you travelled to?

Together, we have traveled to Mexico, the Bahamas, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Additionally, Samantha has been to Canada and Taiwan and Yeison has also been to Guatemala and Cuba.

Samantha and Yeison of MyTan Feet
Samantha and Yeison

Why do you blog about your travels and what do you expect from your readers?

We blog to share information. Traveling is such a privilege and we want to share our experiences with people. We love to connect with readers from all over the globe and it’s a great way to document our adventures as well. We just want our readers to enjoy what we write and to inspire them to go and travel on their own.

Any interesting travel moments?

One of our best travel memories is going to the San Blas Islands in Panama. We’ve never seen anything so pristine and so beautiful like these islands that we were in awe for the full first day. We still think and dream about when will be the next time we go back.

What are your best travel tips?

To stay flexible and use your common sense. We have learned that you can plan everything out to the last minute, to the very last detail but some things happen that are completely out of your control. If you get upset about it, it won’t help you. Instead, learn to use your common sense to problem solve. You don’t need to have a backup plan A, B, and C, but just learn to be flexible with time and understand that buses are late, flights get delayed, you might get sick, etc.

What’s the strangest food you tried on your travels?

For Yeison, it is the cuy, or guinea pig. It is common in South America but guinea pigs are seen as pets in other parts of the world. For Samantha, it will have to be pig snout. It was the weirdest texture and you can still clearly tell it was a nose.

Have you visited India and if not do you plan to visit India?

Neither of us have visited India but we would love to. We have no definite date for future travels but if any good deals or the right timing comes up, we are on that plane there!

What are the first things come to mind when you think of India?

Spicy food! I love Indian food and curry and I’m most excited to try the food when we’re there. We have also heard that the driving is insane there and it is very crowded. We are both very interested in learning about the culture because it is a culture that neither of us have been exposed to heavily before and would love to learn as much as we can about it.


You can read more about Samantha and Yeison on their blog You can follow them on Twitter.

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