Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

End of year give away – Win a paperback of my travel guide book

I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The year 2013 is coming to an end and we must say goodbye to it. I have decided to say good bye to it by doing a small give-away on

I will be giving out 3 paperback copies (physical format) of my book “India Travel Survival Guide For Women”. The three randomly drawn lucky winners will win a copy of my paperback book which is on sale on Amazon.

Don’t worry; it’s not hard to win a copy. You just have to do a few simple things. You don’t have to do all of them but if you do, the more chances of winning. You can do all of them in a day and then come back to do the same thing the next day. **The contest is open internationally so anyone in the world can take part in the contest.

India Travel Survival Guide For Women arrival from USA
The Prize: India Travel Survival Guide For Women

Things to do to win a copy of the book via application below

Join the website’s Facebook page.
Tweet the giveaway.
Follow me on Twitter.
Leave a comment below.
Follow me on Facebook.

A bonus prize:

A special bonus prize for the one with the most tweets and shares – the top winner. One reader who takes part in the maximum tweets and Facebook shares will win a paperback copy of my “Essential Hindi Words And Phrases For Travelers To India” too.

Essential hindi words and phrases for travelers to India paperback
Bonus prize: Essential hindi words and phrases for travelers to India

The application below will pick random winners once the contest is over in about week’s time. Once the contest is over, I will contact the lucky winners by email and let them know. You will need to give me your addresses for me to post the book to your address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and have a happy new year…

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