Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

Traveller Ryan Biddulph in India

My next interview is of my friend Ryan Biddulph of New York. He is a traveller with a difference. In fact, he’s not only a traveller but also an internet marketer, someone who makes money online while travelling the world. While most of us have to do a job for a living, he makes his money while sitting on the beautiful beaches of the world. He was recently in India and he was kind enough to answer some of my questions. So here’s Ryan Biddulph’s interview.

Ryan Biddulph

Who are you and what do you?

My name is Ryan Biddulph and I teach you how to make money online at: I love traveling, living the internet lifestyle, and mainly hitting tropical locations.

When did you visit India and which parts of India did you see?

I visited India from October through December in 2013. I visited Pondicherry, Bangalore, Muhamma, Kovalam and Chennai. I loved India; the people are friendly, the land is beautiful and since most people speak English I was able to connect with many more locals compared to my stays in other countries.

What was your first impression of India?

I would offer this advice for anybody visiting India: if you come from a quiet, laid back country, get ready for things to speed up! I had no issues adjusting because I am from NJ, right outside of New York City. People here move at 1000 miles per hour….but even at that, I had to turn it up a notch because things move quickly in India.

What would you advice someone travelling to India?

I would offer this advice for anybody visiting India: if you come from a quiet, laid back country, get ready for things to speed up! I had no issues adjusting because I am from NJ, right outside of New York City. People here move at 1000 miles per hour….but even at that, I had to turn it up a notch because things move quickly in India.

Did you find India hot?

Pondicherry was SUPER hot…..almost as hot as Hoi An, Vietnam, which was the hottest place I ever visited. Bangalore was not hot at all, Muhamma kinda warm, and Kovalam a little steamy. Chennai was nice, not too warm, although a bit dusty.

What souvenirs did you buy?

I bought 5 boxes of tea and a few little hand-crafted elephants, all in Kovalam. Such amazing handcrafts designed in India.

Which items would you never travel without to India?

More than anything, a VPN lol…..My Paypal was flagged many times and I needed to go online using a VPN, which makes it look like I am logging in through an American IP address, to get around the Paypal flagging as well as many blogs which flagged me, preventing me from leaving comments from an Indian IP address. So, invest 18 USD for 3 months to use a VPN service. Save yourself some serious headaches!

Who is this

Did you try Indian food and what did you think of it?

Tried it, loved it. I liked Thali the most; one restaurant in Pondicherry offered a wonderful Thali dish.

What did you think of the Indian people; honest answer please?

Loved ’em. Each person I rented from was a doll….doll meaning an absolutely kind, generous, and beyond helpful person. I also got to meet 3 blogging buddies during my travels which was beyond incredible. So much fun!

What was your worst experience of India?

Wow….well, I took care of a week old puppy, which died in our apartment after we tried to nurse him back to health. That depressed me for a few days….but by far, the worst experience was contracting a stomach bacteria and losing 25 pounds in 2 weeks. I had to be rushed to the emergency room and receive IV fluids and antibiotics. Sickest I have EVER been in my life. I was so, so careful about where I ate but my wussy Western digestive tract could not handle the protozoa on some food I ate….and I was not able to eat food for 9 days. I am back to about 175 pounds of pure muscle now, thank The Lord, but at that time in mid November I weighed about 140 pounds and looked like I was starving. It was terrifying, scary but at the same time, enlightening, because I learned how to be truly grateful for my health, and for my appetite too!

Dogs in Pondicherry

What was your best experience of India?

Kovalam! Kelli and I loved the beach. It reminded us so much of Bali. The people are so friendly, like chatting with you on the street, even if you are a stranger, they do not think of you as a stranger. Such a slow, relaxed place of living, and the people are genuinely kind. Loved it Also, feeding the many stray dogs in Pondicherry. Kelli and I bought a big bag of dog food every day and walked down to the beach, feeding the street dogs along the way. We helped nurse a dog with horrible mange back to health. So much fun!

Did you see beggars and how did deal with them?

Yes Shalu, we actually lived in a neighborhood with MANY beggars, in Pondicherry….right by Petitte street, where many street folks lived by the canal. I gave a few of them money, but mostly smiled at them, and blessed them, in my mind, so that God would inspire them to pick themselves up, to work. I like empowering people, so unless somebody is really old, or severely disabled, I will not give them money. I believe that curses these poor folks to a life of begging. I prefer that they start selling tiny stuff on the street to make money, feel better about themselves, and offer a useful product or service to society. I have compassion for all of them though, and would sometimes sit and cry, breaking down when I saw an old man in Pondicherry sleep on the concrete behind our apartment, by the terrible smelling canal. I know what it’s like to have 4 cents to my name – i.e. 2 rupee – as I was living in poverty for many years before making money, but I never knew what it felt like to be homeless. Watching that man helped me develop compassion for all living things….and it made me realize how freaking blessed I am.

What modes of transport did you use in India? What are your thoughts on them?

Bus, tuk tuk, taxi, but mainly our feet. We walk everywhere to stay in shape. Most drivers are OK, a few were dangerous drivers, that made us smile and cringe at the same time. Overall though, it was safe to use public transport.

Please give your best tips for travelling to India?

As for best tips, I would say to be open to seeing many things you would see nowhere else. In Pondicherry men urinated everywhere; in America, we get arrested and sent to jail for doing this LOL! I also saw a number of homeless people defecating in public. I do not blame them, or have a problem with it because they have nowhere else to go….but in the same respect, it is shocking to say the least, at least for people from the West. These things are not good, or bad, just stuff to keep in mind. Be ready to meet a TON of kind, generous people, who you will become friends with, because I made friends with many awesome folks in India. Also, eat at clean restaurants only. Wash your hands with soap before eating and use forks and knives….at least us weak Westerners lol! My terrible sickness made me even more careful about where and how I eat.


Finally, would you visit India again?

Yep, but I have to admit, losing 25 pounds and being 1-2 days away from death makes me a bit nervous to visit India….but I would….I would definitely visit Kovalam again, and Pondicherry. Maybe all places…..and a few trips up north too. I loved the people, the beauty and the nation overall. Really fun time!

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