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Interview with travelers Savi and Vid of Bruised Passports

There are travel blogs and there are travel blogs with a difference. If you have not met Savi and Vid of then you should check them out. Not only do they blog about their travels but blog about the outfits they wear on their travels. They are the most glamorous travelers I have known. Gorgeous Savi has a PhD in visual arts and literature. She describes herself as a bit of an urban gypsy. While handsome Vid loves taking pictures and is a coffee geek.

Here’s their interview on my blog…

Savi and Vid in London
Savi and Vid in London

Who are you?

We are a young couple living in London. We love travelling and we’ve been to 42 countries so far. We run our own travel and fashion blog called Bruised Passports

Where are you from and tell us a little about your country?

Both of us are from New Delhi, India. Woohoo

Why do you travel?

Travel makes us feel alive. Meeting new people, making friends all over the world, trying local food, and discovering new places is thrilling. Life is too short to be spent worrying about accumulating material possessions. It should be about crazy adventures, amazing people, and sumptuous memories.

Which countries have you travelled to?

We love travelling slowly and exploring a number of cities within each country. So far we’ve been to 42 countries and over 300 cities in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Which country you liked the most and why?

We love Iceland. We recently took an extended road trip around the country and fell in love with it. You can read all about our Iceland Road Trip on our Bruised Passports.


Why do you blog about your travels and what do you expect from your readers?

Our blog, Bruised Passports, is all about inspiring people to leave their comfort zones and get travelling. It is a unique mélange of travel and fashion for the road. Our philosophy is simple – you get one life, do what you love and do it often.

We hope our tales excite our readers enough to travel the world 🙂

Any interesting travel moments?

“We’ve been fortunate to have some amazing experiences on the road. We live in London and have had some exciting travel moments in Europe. It’s tough to pick one but we find it hard to forget the amazing people we met on our visit to a township in Johannesburg – it was the highlight of our trip to South Africa. “

Travel fashion on Bruised Passports
Travel fashion on Bruised Passports

What are your best travel tips?

Take it easy. Don’t try to “do” everything or see too many cities. Slow travel can be extremely rewarding. Mingle with locals and make sure you try local food in every country you visit.

What’s the strangest food you tried on your travels?

We’ve had some really weird food on our travels but fried spiders in Cambodia and a goat’s head in Morocco top the list!

What did you think of India?

India is an assault to the senses – it takes some time getting used to the sights and sounds of India, but once that is out of the way, exploring India can be an immensely rewarding experience.

What did you like about India?

We love the colour, the heterogeneity, the culture, and history of India. There is SO much to see in India.

What did you dislike about India?

The pollution – air and water pollution and garbage strewn on roads doesn’t reflect well on our country.

Savi and Vid in Mauritius
Savi and Vid in Mauritius

Please give your best tips for travelling to India?

Do your research beforehand and beware of your surroundings at all times. Dress to mingle with locals and make sure you try the street food – it’s scrumptious!

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