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How to travel to India?

If you are considering travelling to India but didn’t know how then keep on reading. First, let me congratulate you for considering visiting India. I think it’s an excellent choice and I am sure you will not be disappointed. You might find the country a little crowded and perhaps a little hot if you are coming to India during the summers but all in all, it’s a great choice and there is always something to do and fascinating to see. If you are considering India, then this is right time to come. India has the best weather between the months of November and March. Although it can get cold in some parts of India but generally the climate is suited for those coming from the West.

A houseboat in Kerala backwaters
A houseboat in Kerala backwaters: Photo by Globetrotter Girls. Read their interview here.

So let’s take a look at some of the things you will need if you want to travel to India:

You will need your passport and visa:

First and foremost you will need a passport and visa. Most people usually have a passport but as far as visa is concerned, you will have to make an effort. If you are in the UK, then visas are no longer issued by the Indian Embassy. They have been outsourced to VSF Global and they have set “Visa Centers” in Leicester, Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Birmingham and London. For those living in the USA, they will have to get the Indian visa from Cox & Kings Global Services Pvt. Limited. They have centers in major cities including Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and Atlanta. You can also apply by post in both countries. Those travelling to India from Canada will need to apply for Indian visas from BLS International Canada Services.

 You will need a tourist visa that can last from 3 months, 6 months to 1 year with single, double or multiple entries. If you are considering a holiday in India and nothing more, then a 3 months visa is fine as it will be slightly cheaper than other visas.

Indian woman
Indian woman: Photo by Irene Turner. Read her interview here.

Find out how to fly to India and get your tickets to India:

You will need to consider how you want to get to India. You will need to find out which airports fly to India either directly or indirectly. There are very few direct flights to India from US. Mostly likely, you will have to take a connecting flight somewhere in Europe such as London or Amsterdam. Many flights are now stopping in Dubai. You can either book these fights with the numerous online travel agents or from your high street agents. Most airports from the UK fly to India either directly or indirectly.

Book your hotel:

Once you have your tickets in place, you can need to find a good place to stay in India. Let’s say, you are travelling to Delhi. You will need to find out where you want to stay and how much you want to spend on your accommodation. There are no shortages of websites that sell hotel rooms. All you need to do is search for “hotels “in search engines and you will get a range of hotels to book either directly or indirectly through booking websites.

Find out places to visit at your desired destination:

Once these are sorted, you will need to find out where to visit and what to do in India. That’s pretty simple enough. I have listed some of the best places to visit in India on this website and in my book “Essential India Travel Guide: Travel Tips And Practical Information”. If you are a solo woman traveler perhaps this book might come into handy “India Travel Survival Guide For Women“.

Here’s a list of best places to visit in Delhi. Now the time is right to pack your bags. Here’s a list of essential items for you to bring to India.

Polish your travel Hindi:

You don’t really need to learn the Hindi language but if you did want to polish up then you can do so here right on this website (just follow the links below). Don’t forget to listen to me doing the pronunciations. In addition, you might consider getting this book that has all the necessary travel words and phrases in Hindi that you might need during your stay in India.

Essential Hindi for foreign travellers
Travel Hindi with audio
More travel Hindi with audio
Here’s a check list of things that you might need in India
Essential Hindi Words And Phrases For Travelers To India
Travel Delhi: Places to visit in Delhi

Travel to India:

Let’s wind this up! Now you have your visa to visit India on your passport, you have bought your tickets to India and your accommodation and places to visit have been sorted out. All you have to do is just fly to India, get to your hotel and start seeing India. Simple as that!

Alternately, you can book tickets to India from a holiday company such as Thompson Holidays or Thomas Cook or your favorite holiday travel agency. Just walk around the high street and shop around. Obviously this will save you a lot of time but if you want to save money and get the most out of India, then just buy your tickets to India, sort your hotels out yourself and travel to India and enjoy. Another way to go is to fill out this form and get free quotations for tours to India and itinerary suggestions from various travel agencies. If you like it well and good otherwise just say no. It will save you surfing multiple websites for packages, quotes and travel plans.

Daniel in Goa
Daniel in Goa. Read about Daniels experience in India.

Here are 101 travel tips for India


Now you are in India! Enjoy the most of what India has to offer. As I said earlier, you might find the place slightly hot in the summer or little over crowded or the food too spicy but that’s India for you. Here’s a list of things you are going to hate about India and here’s yet another list why you will love India. I hope this how to travel to India guide has been useful.. Feel free to ask any questions and I will get back to you.

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