Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

My new book “India Travel Health Guide: Health Advice and Tips for Travelers to India”

I am happy to announce my new book called “India Travel Health Guide: Health Advice and Tips for Travelers to India”.

Most of the time, a traveler to India will be fine if they have their travel jabs sorted out and if they take a little bit of precaution. But there are other risks such as rabies, insects, dengue fever, and so on that could be an issue for some. This book has all the health advice for traveling to India one will ever need, it even has a section on celiacs. In addition, the book also details what to eat, how to cope with traveler’s diarrhea, how to cope with air pollution, guide on street food, avoiding quacks or fake doctors, has a guide on restaurants, about India’s garbage problem and so on. I have also included essential health words, phrases and sentences in Hindi that might come in handy if required.

India Travel Health Guide: Health Advice and Tips for Travelers to India
That’s me on the cover. Can you name the monument behind me?

Here’s the complete list of the chapters of the book:

Introduction to safe traveling in India
Deep Vein Thrombosis on long haul flights and how to prevent it
Vaccinations for India
Restaurant and food guide for India
Traveler’s diarrhea and how to avoid it
Bottled water guide
Malaria in India and how to prevent it
Dengue Fever in India and how to prevent it
Air pollution in India and to avoid it
Rabies in India and how to protect yourself
Eating Indian street food safely
How to be gluten free in India?
Coping with the heat in India
Importance of travel insurance in a country like India
Quacks or fake doctors in India
Waterborne diseases in India
Bird Flu in India and how to avoid it
Garbage on the side of the road
Packing list for India
Insect bites and stings in India
Tips for women traveling to India
Is meat safe in India?
Useful health Hindi words and phrases
Message from the author

The ebook is currently priced at $1 and I will be raising the price very soon. Those wishing to buy it should do it now before the price goes up. The paperback version of this ebook is on its way. So get a copy of your “India Travel Health Guide: Health Advice and Tips for Travelers to India” now on Amazon. You can find the UK version of this ebook here.

Click here for the “India Travel Health Guide” eBook

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