5 essential monsoon travel items for India

If you are travelling to India this monsoon then you might wish to take some of these essentials with you. Although it’s not necessary and you will be able to buy all these items when you get to India but nonetheless, you might wish to take your own.

Mosquito bands or repellents

These are essential as mosquitoes breed in large numbers during the monsoons so you might wish to take some mosquito bands. Good thing about them is that you can wear them on your clothing or you can attach them to your bag. It creates a protective halo around you which will help you against malaria and dengue fever (Delhi is famous for this).

Rain coat or jacket and Umbrella

A rain coat or jacket is going to be essential if you are visiting India during the monsoons. But do make sure they are light and thin as most parts of India are still warm even during the rainy seasons.

This goes without saying but bring a small one so that you can fold it away in your bag.


If you have a sensitive skin then you bring a bottle of your favourite sunscreen.

Waterproof shoes

When it rains in India – it rains like crazy. So bring a pair of waterproof shoes. If you can, try to avoid slippers during the rainy season in India.

Don’t let the rains let you down. In many parts of the world rain is a nuisance but in India it’s a welcome change. Here’s a comprehensive packing list for India.

India Travel Health Guide: Health Advice and Tips for Travelers to India

Namaste World. I am Diya. My life in India: (Multiculturalism for Children). Teach kids about India

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