Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

Festival of Durga Puja 2018

The festive season is now on and wherever you are in India you will find stalls known as “pandals” decorated with the statue of Goddess Durga. The Festival of Durga Puja is most popular in states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Assam, Tripura and Gujarat. The festival of Durga Puja or Navaratri marks the battle between Goddess Durga with the powerful buffalo demon called Mahishasura whom she defeats and restores righteousness. This year the festival of Navratri are dated between October 10th and 18th. Each day of the festival has its own significance for instance the first day of the festival is dedicated to Shailaputri or daughter of the mountain and the 10 day is Dusshera. Here are some of the photos taken in Kolkata.

kolkata durga puja pandal

Kolkata Durga Puja

kolkata durga puja pandal image

Garba Dance Navaratri

Durga Puja in India

durga puja pandal kolkata India

Durga Puja Navaratri

durga puja idols kolkata

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