Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids


This site is now open for advertisements. The site has a RP of 3 and an Alexa Rank of 55,000. The countries where most visitors come from include India, USA, UK and Australia. If you wish to have a diagram from web-stats then feel free to get in touch. If you want fresh information regarding readership, web stats, browsers, countries, and statistics on a daily, weekly and monthly basis; then don’t hesitate to contact me.

Why advertise on my site

I provide travel tips for India
I provide general travel tips
Places and destinations to visit in India
What to eat in India
What to do in India
General things about India and travelling in India
Travel safety particularly for women in India
And so on

By advertising on, you can reach a wide range of audience interested in travelling to India and beyond.

How to advertise

If you wish to advertise then here are some possible ways you can advertise on my site.

Banners on the right hand side in sidebar such as
125 x 125 – Button Ads – sidebar
250 x 250 or something appropriate – sidebar

Banners within a post – you can add a banner within the post

Sponsored posts – sponsor an existing post – related and must be useful to traveller

Product reviews – if you have a product that you think might be useful to travellers and you wish me to write a review and then I can take a look and write an honest review. Or you can provide an article about the product. Remember it has to be travel related product.

Others – video advertising, affiliate advertising

If you wish to discuss other advertising methods not listed here then feel free to get in touch. I’m open to new and innovative advertising ideas.

Pricing and payment method

Get in touch, we can discuss. Generally I use PayPal – It’s easy and no gimmick unless you have other ideas.

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