Namaste World. I am Diya.

India for kids

Guest Post

I suppose you are reading this because you fancy writing on this site, well so I do. I do welcome guest posts; that’s not a problem at all. After all, this is why we are here for.

"guest post"
Source: Wikimedia Commons

The topics can range from:

India related travels, travelling to any part of India, experiences in India, Travel diary, your India photos etc you get the drift.

I suppose you want the requirements:

Nothing new, all the usual things that goes along with guest posting, things like;

Should be unique, well written and not published anywhere else. You also promise not to publish it somewhere else after.

Should be at least 700 words. Come on, anything shorter will look lame, wouldn’t you say.

If you provide photos, they must be yours, none of that “right click and copy image” stuff.

You must provide a photo of yourself to go with your story (can be waived if you really don’t want to).

Writers must respond to comments.

What will you get in return:

You can have maximum of two links to your site in your author profile.

I will post the article on Facebook, Twitter, BlogEngage (if your site is a blog), Linkedin, etc. You will get back links to your article pointing to your website. How about that? One condition; your site must be a travel related site. If you are not sure, ask me!

So if you fancy a guest post on, claim your fame now, contact me here.

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